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Subway with Lighted Interior


Subway Station, Subway with Lighted Interior

Subway with Lighted Interior, 1973-1974

Acrylic and enamel, charcoal, on wood and Masonite, cellulose compound,

incandescent light. 6’2” x 3’7” x 2’8”

Subway Station, Subway with Lighted Interior

Subway with Lighted Interior, 1973-1974

Acrylic and enamel, charcoal, on wood and Masonite, cellulose compound,

incandescent light. 6’2” x 3’7” x 2’8”

Subway Station, Subway with Lighted Interior

Subway with Lighted Interior, 1973-1974

Acrylic and enamel, charcoal, on wood and Masonite, cellulose compound,

incandescent light. 6’2” x 3’7” x 2’8”

Subway with Lighted Interior

Subway with Lighted Interior, 1973-1974

Acrylic and enamel, charcoal, on wood and Masonite, cellulose compound,

incandescent light. 6’2” x 3’7” x 2’8”

Image courtesy of Thomas Solomon Gallery


I loved the way that descending into the subway station opens one up to an underground world of infinite possibilities and unknown, distant destinations. I wanted Subway with Lighted Interior to express my sense of the enormous possibility that women’s empowerment would afford for all. I was moving away from the false front hotels and wanted to make work in the round with actual interior space, reflective not only of my own growing sense of empowerment but also that of other women. Still, it was a process, and we had a long way to go. I felt protective of this small interior space. I made the opening narrow so that the viewer is afforded only a glimpse of the warmly lit interior. I placed the lit bulb out of view and an unlit light bulb in a fixture in the opening. I saw it as potential that I had not yet learned to use or energy in reserve.

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